this is love
after an amazingly romantic weekend with my love in seattle, i thought that i might share a different kind of love on this v day. when we look at our own love lives- the way we show it to our significant others, we find that surprisingly, it is filled with much self-interest, jealousy, fickleness and just plain misdirected emotions. i have had my share of "lover's quarrels" and spats over my lifetime and will, unfortunately continue to do so (hopefully on a less frequent basis). our society & culture is so in need of love- but have a hard time getting past the sin that marrs it, but we are not left without an example of real love.
anneli anderson, potter |
thank goodness we are not left with an existential feeling of despair that all is hopeless & fleeting in regards to amore. God gave us ultimate love- and the purest form of it:
This is real love--not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
1 John 4:10
so, while we are left to fend for ourselves in finding out if we should make a steak dinner, buy roses or lillies, jewlery or chocolate, we are not left without an example of true, selfless love. i pray that this valentine's day you are able to seek Him, and model His love in your life. that will be the ultimate gift that even Hallmark's missing out on.
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