Hello Bakers!
I know the pinnacle of baking season is at its close, but a friend asked me for my version of the *best* piecrust recipe. Since it seems like this is next to the quest for the fountain of youth, I decided to copy my reply email to share with you all. (And also as a one-stop resource for me in the future to remember which one I liked best for the specific pie.) These are just for the basic pie dough. There is one missing and that is the cream cheese crust that you might use for a savory pie, like my husband's favorite Turkey Apple Sausage pie. I can update you later for that one.
There are two(ok 3) piecrust recipies I heavily reccomend:
- #1: Alan's Pie Crust
The best in my opinion is for a double crust and I love the flavor:
#2: Baked ShellThis next one is great for "blind baking"- like when you make a single crust for a custard pie and the small amount of vegetable shortening really helps it hold up during the baking process. Just remember to follow all the directions in regards to freezing the piecrust before baking and placing parchment paper inside with beans or pieweights so it doesn't puff up. It sounds like a lot but its totally worth it.
- #3:Pate Brisee
Lastly, there is always Julia Childs' and Martha Stewart's pâte brisée, which is a lot of butter and so good if you baby it- ie. cold water, cold butter, very little manipuilation. I used to do this one all the time until I discovered the #1 recipe from BHG where it uses sour cream and vinegar.
Sorry if I gave you too much! I know its a simple question, but it rings dear to my heart as I am always on the lookout for the BEST piecrust, too!
Also, I haven't read it yet, but this might be a great resource for all of our pie needs!
i am so honored, ashley.....i've never had anyone blog about me before.....not only do you bake delicious pies, but you photograph them in such a way that you have the reader drooling!!!! i'm headed to the kitchen right now to flour-up my rolling pin!!! :)